How Do You Stand Up Against Other Religious Retailers?
McVan, Inc. has probed many questions concerning the state of religious retail industry. Questions asking about the priorities, challenges, tactics and results across all their business functions. Being a large manufacturer of religious gifts, McVan, Inc wanted to know how their retailers fair in the business. With a mission of getting an inside look of what happens in this industry, a survey was conducted for over a hundred different retailers across the US with a blend of different topics. The topics that were used to conduct the survey shall give enough and relevant information needed by all the religious retailers.
Download McVan's first ever State of the Religious Retailer Industry Report and compare your religious retail business with other competitors to improve the growth of your business. The information contained is first-hand, and is based on self-reported survey responses.
What Will You Learn?
- Discover your weaknesses and the strengths in comparison to other religious retailers
- Identify key areas of opportunity within different departments of your business ( Sales, Marketing, Operations)
- Analyze company performance and manage change within your business